Item Search

Class 1:
Class 2:
Class 3:
Item Type:

NOTE: Heroic resists are included when resists
are selected for both restrict and weights
Restrict to Stats:
Only items with the provided stats will be searched for.

Stat Weights:
Weights take the item stats and multiply it
by the number provided to create a value.

Exclude Expansions (Kunark includes Legacy of Ykesha):
Weapons with Proc: Include Only
Base Items Only:
Enchanted Items Only:
Legendary Items Only:
Focus Type:
Focus Effect:
Include Zero weight items
(Requires one weight)
Include Temporary Items
Show Item Detail Table
Show Only Weight Details
(Requires one weight)
Item Name (partial allowed):

Site Version: 1.0
Site created by Convection.     EQDB is not affiliated with Daybreak Games, Darkpaw Studios, TheHeroesJourney EMU, or other EverQuest Fan Sites.    
Special thanks to Talodar from for assitance, tooltips, and item links.     Special thanks to Aporia and Catapultam for providing data and the TheHeroesJourney EMU server.